Grilled Halibut

Cajun French: le poisson (lu poo-a-son) – fish
Plate 1Grilling is one of our favorite ways to cook. Tonight we did it a little different – open fire grilling. Our travels have brought us to northern Minnesota where we were finally able to purchase fish. Halibut was available and we wanted to try something different. Even though it is not a Minnesota fish, it is something we do not normally have access to. The end result was MORE! Exactly, we wanted more and we will definitely grill this way again.


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Let’s Grill!

Summer is the grilling season, yet in Louisiana it is best when the weather is cool and being outside is enjoyable.  Such was the case when we were RVing at Tickfaw State Park in Springfield, LA.  It was the last cool snap before record heat and we decided to enjoy every minute of the Spring weather.  We had fresh vegetables and shrimp from the Red Stick Market in Baton Rouge and we grilled them with just olive oil and seasoning.  It was as fresh as the cool breezes!
Mais C’est Bon!