Sautéed Shishito Peppers with Shrimp and Ground Cherries

Cajun French: la merise (la m’reez) – cherry


Rice Shrimp Peppers CherriesShopping at farmers markets while we travel brings new and different products to our table. One such find was shishito peppers. The pepper is an East Asian variety and makes great finger food. We decided to add them to our Shrimp and ground cherries to give a sweet/hot taste. There were a few leftover so we cut off the stems, chopped them and added to eggs for an excellent scramble.

Mais C’est Bon!



Shishito peppers

Olive oil

Sea salt


1# peeled and de-headed shrimp


Cayenne Pepper


Ground cherries

Cooked rice


Wash and dry peppers

Heat 2 tsp olive oil to medium in cast iron skillet

Add peppers tossing frequently

The peppers will begin to blister and char in places – approximately 10-15 minutes

Remove from skillet and toss with sea salt and a squeeze of lemon

Using the same skillet, add a little more olive oil and heat to medium

Add shrimp to skillet and season with salt, cayenne pepper, and paprika

Sauté shrimp until pink

To plate:

Place a serving of rice on plate

Add a serving of shrimp on rice

Add ground cherries and peppers

Garnish with a lemon wedge

As a side we served tomato slices topped with cheese and Italian seasoning on slices of crusty bread. Lightly heat tomatoes and cheese to melt cheese.


Note: ground cherries are related to tomatillos. The cherries have a protective paper husk around the fruit.

Shishito Peppers
Shishito Peppers


Ground Cherries
Ground Cherries


Shishito Peppers cooking
Shishito Peppers cooking


Shishito Peppers ready for serving
Shishito Peppers ready for serving


Shrimp cooking
Shrimp cooking


Shrimp and Rice
Shrimp and Rice


Rice and Shrimp with Shishito Peppers and Ground Cherries
Rice and Shrimp with Shishito Peppers and Ground Cherries




Ready for serving
Ready for serving


Lightly heated
Lightly heated


Tomatoes and Cheese
Tomatoes and Cheese

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