Cajun French: brûler – burn
Fresh seasonal peas and beans are one of our weekly purchases from the farmers market. Having purchased purple hull peas this week, we decided to cook them Saturday afternoon. We started the cooking process and headed off to do other things; not a good idea. We were working and totally absorbed in our project and completely forgot about the beans. All of a sudden Laurie jumped up and ran to the kitchen, smelling the burning pot on the way. Sure enough – burned pot bottom. The beans had a rather good smoky flavor – more about this later.
Somewhere in my gray matter, I remembered reading that salt could be used to clean burned pots. We decided to give it a try. We heavily salted the bottom of the pot and set the pot in the sink. We also dampened the salt then let it sit overnight.
Next morning when I went to clean the pot, I was doubtful that the salt had done anything. Was I wrong! I used a scrub pad and immediately the burned area came off. It was so easy to clean and I was very surprised.
It was easy, simple, and I have my pot back to its original self.