Southwest Breakfast

Cajun French:  la crêpe (la krep) – Pancake


Knowing we were going to hitch up and leave Hord’s Creek Lake in Coleman, TX today, we decided to have our morning coffee outside during the coolest part of the day.  Realizing it seemed dark for 6:30 in the morning, I opened the door to a dark sky and realized rain must be in the area.  This part of Texas, as most of Texas, has not seen rain in a very long time and we were happy for them.  For us it meant either packing up and leaving in the rain or staying an extra day.  We opted for the extra day.  That decided, we now needed breakfast and pancakes became the menu.  John’s creativity kicked in and soon he was making salsa.  Salsa and pancakes – why not?  We then added fig preserves on top and Wow what a combination!

Mais C’est Bon!


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